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vessel monitoring.

SEAGULL advances the management of bridge and lock operations by automating the monitoring of vessel traffic, ensuring a seamless and efficient flow of vessels on waterways. By utilizing Artificial Intelligence, SEAGULL also optimizes human resource utilization.

A streamlined traffic flow.

SEAGULL provides bridge- and lock operators with the ability to accurately predict and respond to traffic patterns. Our software also proactively alerts operators when a boat exceeds the speed limit, allowing them to take immediate action and prevent dangerous situations. Moreover, SEAGULL stores historical data, making it easier to recognize trends and anticipate potential bottlenecks

With our AI-powered solution, we ensure a streamlined traffic flow, reducing delays, and enhancing overall efficiency for both commercial and recreational watercraft.

The optimization of  personnel resources. 

Traditionally, managing multiple bridges and locks required substantial human presence, leading to higher labor costs and limited coverage. SEAGULL not only increases operational efficiency but also frees up personnel to address other essential tasks, contributing to a safer and more productive waterway management process.

Cover more bridges and locks with  your existing workforce.

Activate SEAGULL on any IP camera.

Starting at only
499 p/m
 $.549 p/m    |   
£.429 p/m