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Nothing Goes Undetected

24/7 automated surveillance of critical maritime areas.

Stay in control of your control center.

Research indicates that a CCTV operator's concentration span is between 20 and 30 minutes, beyond which their ability to stay focused and detect anomalies decreases rapidly.

SEAGULL keeps a close watch 24/7, logs ship sightings and notifies operators if anything unusual happens.

CCTV Control Room

SEAGULL Surveillance helps control centers enhance monitoring capability by implementing state-of-the-art AI technology to automate detection and response workflows.

How SEAGULL works.

Seagull Surveillance enables users to integrate their existing cameras, specify camera locations, set up detection areas, and establish alert triggers based on vessel characteristics and behaviors.

Once set up, Seagull Surveillance continuously monitors the detection area, triggers alerts for irregularities, and logs all water activities 24/7.

Harbor Security in The Netherlands

"Previously, our operators had to register all ships manually. We, therefore, needed a robust system to monitor our port, and with SEAGULL, we have achieved this. Thanks to SEAGULL, we are taking a future-proof and innovative step, allowing us to observe and log the entry and exit of all types of vessels more efficiently, save costs, and better identify risks."

Cees Duvekot
Port Authority and head of Traffic, (State) Harbormaster of The Hague

With advanced surveillance technology, Seagull enhances human capacity in maritime control rooms to enhance security in ports, waterways, and coastlines.

Seagull Surveillance offers a straightforward subscription model, with charges applied per camera. It operates in a secure cloud environment or on-premise.

Seagull Surveillance is created by a talented team of maritime security experts, AI specialists, and software engineers in the port of Amsterdam in The Netherlands.